Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blow Baby Blow!

Now if you live in Idaho you know about W-I-N-D! I'm not talking "balmy breezes"--I'm talking hurricane force winds without the hurricane. I hate the wind. I find it "stressful" and "nerve-wracking". However, today, and today only, I'm enjoying the wind. For one simple reason--I NEED A DAY OFF! We have been running non-stop since we moved into this house. Yesterday was extremely stressful (awoke at 2:30 a.m.--still not sure what that was about) and I decided that today I was going to do absolutely nothing! And that's what I'm doing. It's 1:11 p.m. and the sum total of my energy exertion has been to take a shower and get dressed. Since it's blowing like a "bat out of hell", it gives me the excuse I need to stay indoors and "pretend" to be busy! Eventually I'll wander into the kitchen and make an attempt to clean, but for now I'm content to plant my butt in this chair and listen to it blow. So Blow Baby Blow!

1 comment:

Chapmans23 said...

I have decided to tell you how I feel about mothers day. Don't really care for it. It is just another day, nothing special and yes just another holiday to have to buy gifts. Just like Valentines day, stupid! You should not have to have a national holiday to tell the love of your life that you love them, same as your mother for heavens sake.